Laine believes that something unearthly has been summoned. As the festival arrives and the blood-soaked entertainment builds to a frenzy, Laine and Chase win a VIP tour to a Creeper Themed Escape room, where they will be joined by a film crew and the disturbing tour guide Stu. But as the festival approaches, Laine begins to experience unexplained premonitions and disturbing visions associated with the town`s past and in particular The Creeper.

Among them is love-able geek Chase and his devoted sweetheart Laine, she`s got big news to share with Chase, and hopes to find the right moment to tell him he is going to be a father. The people belonging to this world are graded from highest intellectuals to lowest manual workers. In this world, social stability has been achieved through a scientific caste-system. It presents a picture of that world based on science. SYNOPSIS: When the Horror Hound festival holds its first ever event in Louisiana, it attracts hundreds of geeks, freaks and die-hard horror fans from far and wide, to howl and celebrate into the night. Brave New World is a utopian novel set in a future world state in the year 632 A.F. CAST: Sydney Craven, Imran Adams, Jarreau Benjamin, Dee Wallace, Gary Graham